Supplying to the University of Oxford

This section sets out information for suppliers interested in selling to the University of Oxford. It outlines how the University purchases goods and services and how it works with suppliers.

The University has an addressable spend of around £444 million (excl. VAT) each year on a diverse range of goods and services, including computer services and equipment, travel and transport, cleaning and janitorial services, stationery and office supplies, furniture and furnishings, catering, laboratory services and supplies and many more.

The role of the University’s Purchasing Department is to support the University’s world-class teaching and research by promoting purchasing professionalism. We help the University and its departments, research centres, museums and libraries to make purchasing decisions that:

  • achieve value for money
  • are ethical, transparent and take account of sustainability issues
  • meet the requirements of our external funding bodies and auditors


The Purchasing Department would appreciate any feedback on the tender process as experienced by suppliers. If you have recently taken part in a tender process with the University of Oxford, your response to the Supplier Survey would be appreciated.

In the event of a complaint, we would ask you to contact, or your Purchasing Department contact if you have one, in the first instance. This will then be resolved or escalated as appropriate.

Comments on the usefulness of this site would also be welcomed. Please email if you have any feedback.

Contact details

For further information, please contact:
The Purchasing Department
Telephone: 01865 616 022

For payment enquiries, please contact:
The Payments Department
Telephone: 01865 616 016 or 616 103