Credit Control

Credit Control

Support is provided centrally by the Credit Control and Cashiers teams in the Finance Division.

The Accounts Receivable and Credit Control team is responsible for debt management and setting up new customers in Oracle Financials (with the exception of research funding, which is managed by the Research Accounts Team).

New Customer Setups and Customer Amendments/Additions are completed by the Accounts Receivable and Credit Control team within two working days of receipt. Urgent requests by phone will be considered on a case by case basis. We endeavour to respond and allocate customer and departmental queries within one working day of receipt.


Note: please ensure that a PO has been received from the external company. More companies are moving towards a ‘No PO, no pay’ status. In the event a PO is not supplied please provide the name and email address of your contact in the comments section of the invoice.


The Cashiers department is responsible for the banking and processing of all income, including cash and cheques, BACS payments, foreign transfers and manual and online card transactions.

For details on the Cashiers' Service Level Agreement, please refer to their SLA page. 

Paying Invoices Online

If you have received an invoice from the University of Oxford and would like to pay it online, please use our invoice payment website.

Contact Us

 : Credit Control
       Finance Division
       University of Oxford
       C/O Oxford University Press
       Great Clarendon Street
       OX2 6DP