eExpenses system, training and support


The SAP Concur 24/7 Support Desk is your first port of call for queries about using the eExpenses system. Contact them on 0800 389 8758 or via Help within SAP Concur which also offers a chat function.

For issues relating to accessing eExpenses please see Managing access to eExpenses for information on how staff, postgraduate and undergraduate students are set up and the forms needed to add and remove access if required.


The Expenses and Advances Process Oversight Group (POG) has ownership of the full expenses process and the systems used to administer this. Any feedback regarding the process or systems, and recommendations for changes to be included in future improvement projects should be submitted to the Process Oversight Group for consideration via the Finance Process Oversight Groups mailbox

Log in to SAP Concur eExpenses

Only use this link, do not access via SAP Concur website. Re-click here if session times out


SAP Concur 24/7 support: 0800 389 8758 

Try the app!

When eExpenses is live in your department, download the app and log in using:

  • Verified email address or
  • SSO (in format or
  • University unique mobile code (95D6V7)


Guidance and support