1. Travel Advances
Travel advances can be requested where an individual may otherwise be significantly disadvantaged by using the expenses process. Guidance for claimants is available in the Expenses Claimant’s Guide.
Travel advances are allowed when:
- the recipient will be travelling on business away from their normal place of work for at least one night; and
- the recipient would otherwise be required to submit an expenses claim in excess of £300; and
- it has not been possible for the University to pay directly.
Wherever possible, direct payments by the University should be made (e.g. via a purchase order and/or invoice) before considering an advance request.
Advances payments are limited to 75% of anticipated expenditure and departments must not inflate estimates to cover full anticipated costs. Expenditure must be in line with the Expenses Policy.
Spend in a foreign currency is not a valid reason for requesting an advance.
2. Funding for Overseas Research
Advances may be requested as part of an agreed long-term funding mechanism for significant overseas research projects or facilities, e.g. hospitals, research centres, overseas offices, etc.
3. Cash Float for Specific Activities
A cash float is required for a specific activity or event that is either a one-off or of limited duration, e.g. for payments to participants in a study.
Receiving an Advance
There are three different ways to receive an advance:
- Direct payment into the recipient's bank account. This is the preferred method.
- Prepaid Card – you will be issued with a Prepaid Visa card which can be used to make purchases or withdraw cash while travelling on University business.
- Cash. This should only be requested if it is considered essential to carry cash (e.g. you are visiting a remote area and there are no local banking facilities).
Please note: Cash overseas is not covered by University insurance (up to £2,500 is covered in the UK).
Advances Process
The Head of Administration has overall responsibility for ensuring that requests for advances are in line with the University approved policy and follow the advances process.