Inc and Exp Sur(Def) CC FCAST

Why run this report?

To provide a summary of the income and expenditure surpluses or deficits at cost centre level in order to review the financial status of your department, division etc.

This report provides a list of income and expenditure (I&E) surpluses and deficitsat cost centre level. The report contains year to date budget, actuals and variance between them. It also provides full year budget and latest forecast.

How to run this report

This report can be run at any level: divisional, sub-division or department.

Enter the following information in the yellow cells:

ie surplus deficit cc fcast


  • Period Name– should be the period as at the report is run (make sure it is text and not a date).
  • Forecast– select from the dropdown list the latest comparative forecast.
  • Parent Cost Centre (cell B11 on the worksheet)– this may be a division, a 3-digit sub-division, or a 2-character department code.

Use the "Get Child Values" option to either display the next level down, or "Leaf" values, i.e. the lowest level from the Parent Cost Centre or Top Level Code.

Copy the formula down from cell C10 down to the last cost centre displayed (if it doesn't autofill).

Copy the formula down from cells E10 to I10 down to the last cost centre displayed (if it doesn't autofill).


You may wish to change the Refresh options, for example to Hide Zeros or to switch off Auto-fit.

Refresh the data in the worksheet.

Save the report with a different name.

Which outputs are available with this report?

The report runs in and produces an output in MS Excel. Use the Save As or Print As options to save to PDF if required.

Which roles can access this report?

Everyone with full access to the SplashGL add-in can access this report.

Contact Us

 : Financial Systems
       Finance Division
       University of Oxford
       23-38 Hythe Bridge Street
       OX1 2ET

 Raise a support call
 : 01865 (2) 84800
 : Contact Financial Systems    

 : Opening hours:
       8.00am - 5.00pm
       Monday - Friday (except Bank
       Holidays, Easter and