UO Purchase Orders with Requisition Details Report

As of Monday 18th November 2024, two new columns have been added to the UO Purchase Orders with Requisition Details report: 

•    Task Number
•    Supplier Notification Method 

Three further columns have also been added to the report but remain hidden and can be included by the user, if required, by modifying the
report submission:

•    Hazardous item - named in column list as: porl#Hazardous Item
•    Radioactive Item - named in column list as: porl#Radioactive Item
•    Schedule 5 Item - named in column list as: porl#Schedule 5 Item


Why run this report?

  • To assist with the checking of POs (purchase orders) created on Oracle Financials. It can be run for a range of dates, irrespective of status.

When should you run this report?

This report can be run as needed for checking Purchase Orders but especially as part of the month-end process for reviewing commitments.

How to run this report

Select the following parameters:

uo purchase orders with requisition details

Which outputs are available for this report?

  • Excel - a simple list of data that can be filtered but has no totals.

Which roles have access to this report?

  • UO Buyer Work Centre
  • UO iProcurement – Finance Preparers
  • UO Purchasing Enquiry

Hints and Tips

Security has been added to the report so that only the POs for your department will be returned – it is therefore possible to leave the Buyer field blank.

The parameters above will default in – do change them if required for a larger date range.

The report includes the name of the Requestor and other confidential information so it should not be distributed outside the University.

Contact Us

 : Financial Systems
       Finance Division
       University of Oxford
       23-38 Hythe Bridge Street
       OX1 2ET

 Raise a support call
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 : Contact Financial Systems    

 : Opening hours:
       8.00am - 5.00pm
       Monday - Friday (except Bank
       Holidays, Easter and