Starters, Changers & Leavers

Departments should process new starters, changes and leavers in PeopleXD, before the Payroll deadlines each month. 

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i) Tax Forms


Part 1A should be retained by the employee and parts 2 and 3 should be submitted to the Payroll team. If the employee does not provide a P45 form, then a Starter Checklist (formerly P46) must be completed and submitted Failure to submit either form could result in the wrong amount of tax being deducted

Starter Checklist (Previously P46)

Employees who have not worked previously in the UK in the current tax year, or have not been issued with a P45 certificate from their previous employer must complete a Starter Checklist. These can be obtained from the departmental administrator or found on the HMRC website.

(ii) Pension Scheme

Eligible staff will automatically be enrolled within one of the University pension schemes. Further details on pension provisions are available from the Pensions Office. Starters do have the option to opt out of joining the scheme.

(iii) Pension Contributions Salary Exchange Scheme

The University also currently operates a Salary Exchange Scheme in respect of employee pension contributions to the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) and Oxford Staff Pension Scheme (OSPS). Staff eligible to join these pension schemes who choose not to opt out of them are also automatically enrolled in the Salary Exchange Scheme unless they choose to opt out of that also. Consult the Salary Exchange website for more details.

(i) Advances for New Employees

Where a new starter begins work after the processing deadlines for payroll it may be necessary to request a payment in advance. An Advance request for new employee (DOC) is provided for this purpose which should be completed by both an administrator (or authorised payroll signature) and the individual concerned.

(ii) Setting up a new bank account

For overseas employees a service is offered to support individuals with setting up a new bank account. This service is provided by the Treasury Office. Where the employee opts to use this service, a  Bank Account letter for Overseas Employees (DOC) should be completed for the individual and sent to the Treasury Office who will engage with Barclays to create the account - this normally takes 3-5 days from receipt of application. Please ensure that you enter the text ‘Bank Appointment Request’ in the subject bar of your email.

(iii) Staff Relocation Scheme

The University operates a discretionary Relocation Scheme to support eligible staff moving from outside of the Oxford area to a new job within the University. 

There are three main categories of change or supplementary payment which may occur during an individual's employment with the University:

(i) Contractual changes and allowances

Departments should process any contractual changes and allowances in PeopleXD, before the Payroll deadlines each month.

(ii) Temporary or ad-hoc payments

Temporary payments, such as overtime, or monthly claims for variable hours employees, should be notified to Payroll either via the Overtime form (XLS) , or the electronic overtime template (details available from Payroll).

(iii) Statutory or collective changes

Legislative changes to tax and NI (e.g. changes to tax rates) are implemented by the Payroll team in accordance with HMRC regulations.

Cost of living awards are agreed by Personnel Services with representative bodies (e.g. trade unions). They are implemented by the Payroll team, with arrears where necessary, upon instruction from Personnel Services.

All leavers must be processed in PeopleXD by the normal Payroll deadlines each month. Normal notice periods should give you plenty of time to do this. The supplementary deadline is only for late leavers that you weren’t aware of earlier in the month. There are often deductions that need to be reclaimed from a leaver, eg bus ticket loans, which need to be sorted out well before the final pay-run of the month.


Contact us

  : Payroll Services
       Finance Division
       University of Oxford
       23-38 Hythe Bridge Street
       Oxford, OX1 2ET

  :  01865 (6) 16301