Requisition Details

Why run this report? 

  • To show all requisitions including those that have not been converted into purchase orders. This particularly applies to those charged to projects as the commitment remains open on the project until the requisition is cancelled or closed. 
  • To review the authorisation status of requisitions raised within your department. 
  • To report on purchasing by Category (column AF). 

How to run this report

Select the following parameters:

requisition details

Always enter a range of dates and your department name in the Buyer field.

Which outputs does this report have? 

  • Excel - a simple list of data that can be filtered but has no totals. 

Which roles have access to this report? 

  • UO Buyer Work Centre 

Hints and tips 

Use the “Authorization Status” column (E) to find Requisitions that have not been approved in conjunction with the Project Number column (AI) where this is causing issues with open commitments. 

There are no mandatory parameters so always ensure that you enter a range of dates and an appropriate Buyer in the relevant fields. The Buyer will, generally, be your department name if the Purchase Order was created automatically – it will only be your name if you create the Purchase Order manually through the UO Buyer Work Centre. 

Contact Us

 : Financial Systems
       Finance Division
       University of Oxford
       23-38 Hythe Bridge Street
       OX1 2ET

 Raise a support call
 : 01865 (2) 84800
 : Contact Financial Systems    

 : Opening hours:
       8.00am - 5.00pm
       Monday - Friday (except Bank
       Holidays, Easter and