**This page is obsolete and will be removed on 1st March 2021. Please use the updated Budgeting and Forecasting page instead. Remember to change your bookmarks**
Key points about the BFT
- Solution for building financial budgets and forecasts
- Covers Income and Expenditure statement and detailed Payroll costs
- Authorised users can access BFT via the sidebar links to the right
- Please see BFT Help links below
**BFT News**
Q2 2020/21 Version
The Q2 2020/21 version is available in BFT
BFT Training and How To's
BFT Training videos and documents are available on the BFT Training page
Other BFT Help:-
All BFT Training Exercises (PDF) 9-page exercise pack from New User Training
BFT Frequently asked Questions (FAQs)
BFT Issues and Tips - updates on BFT issues and help to get around them
BFT Glossary - terms and their meaning (as used when discussing the BFT)
Original BFT 2016 How To's - all the original BFT How To's and Case Studies
Top Tip!
Error when accessing Summary of Employees

...if the problem persists, drop us an email to BFTSupport@admin.ox.ac.uk