BFT - Issues and Tips







Payroll detail costs not visible at Total Employee level

Summary of Employees, Payroll Planning cube, iPayroll FTE cube

View at cost code combo level for full details; meanwhile, cost centre totals remain correct.

Fix proposed after  Q1 (too risky to introduce earlier).


Employee details can't be edited

Cost code combos with recent* BFT Payroll Journal postings

*i.e. posted earlier in the day

Wait until the next day, allowing time for overnight security correction

Fix to be investigated. (Complex process)


Error message when trying to open Summary of Employees

1. Anyone clicking on SoE button, when Landing Page Cost Centre box is blank.

2. A few other users

1. Fill in the LP Cost Centre box

2. If 1 does not work, use Payroll Planning

A fix has been provided by our

Consultants and is currently undergoing testing.


Can't enter text in Summary of Employees Comments cells

SoE users

sorry, no workaround

To be assessed


Summary of Employees - Export (snapshot to Excel) limited to 25 cost centres

SoE users

Select fewer cost centres for export

We’re hoping to change this to the system maximum of 50 cost centres, but it’s risky to do until Q1F completed


Employee Record Card limit of 10 cost code combos in Split ID dropdown

Employees with large number of splits

Use Payroll Planning (or iPayroll FTE) for detailed work on these employees

Possible fix being investigated, but will require system down-time + testing


Café users no longer able to find the Excel Add-in file

Current Café users, mostly where there’s been a change to their user profile, PC software or hardware-

The add in needs to be reloaded.

See instructions provided. (document link in BFT webpage sidebar)