Registering as a supplier - frequently asked questions

Here are some of the most common questions we are asked by suppliers who require help registering as a Supplier. If you are struggling, or need clarification on a point in the registration, please take a look below to see if your question is answered. Please also watch the "How-To" instructional video which will guide you through the registration process. If you still require further help please contact us using the details on the right.

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You may need to check through your spam/junk mail folder for an email from our system.  If you have any questions about this email, please contact

You do not need to open the attachment on the invitation email. It is simply the University logo to be included in the body of the text. Please click the link in the text of the email (not the subject line) to take you directly to the online form.

Yes, click on the ‘Save for Later’ button at the top right-hand side of the screen. You will be given a web link, which you need to copy and save. When you are ready to complete the form, enter the web link into your internet browser and you will be able amend the form and submit it.

The error is most likely occurring because another record in the University’s Oracle Financials system matches the name, Tax Registration Number, email or bank accounts details that have been entered. The error may also occur because an earlier Prospective Supplier Registration has been started but not completed. If it was saved using the ‘Save for Later’ function, the Customer Services team can retrieve the web link for you.

You can contact the Customer Services team on the details to the right.

Please contact the Customer Services team using the details to the right and they can retrieve it for you. Please do not start completing a new form as the system will not accept a second form where the details are the same as those on a form that has already been saved.

No. If you need to change any information, please contact the Customer Services team on the details to the right.

An email will be sent to the contact email provided on the first page of the form when the registration has been approved.

Your completed registration can take 5 working days to process.


Enter your legal identity name. If you are an Individual or Sole trader under your own name, then please enter your full name.


If you have a VAT Registration number, please enter this. If not, please enter your company or charity number. If you are a sole trader or an individual, please enter your NI number. If none of these apply, please enter the first 16 characters of your company name and then n/a.


This has been provided to you on the original invitation email. The number usually starts with a Six and contains all digits i.e. 6xxxx-0.


Please ensure that you have selected the relevant country at the top of the page, as the required banking information varies depending on the country you are based.


Please remember you only need complete the mandatory fields (marked with an asterisk).


If providing an IBAN number, this should be entered without spaces or hyphens.

If you do not have company headed paper because you are an individual, sole trader or any other reason, and you do not have a similar appropriate document (such as an invoice or proforma invoice), then enter your bank details into a blank document along with your name and your trading name if different, and save this as a PDF before attaching to the form.  The PDF should not be a photograph of your bank statement. If we need anything further from you then we will contact you.

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Financial Processes, Systems & Assurance Team

For further support, please contact the Financial Processes, Systems & Assurance Team on:

Tel +44(0)1865 6 13899
