Retirement, early retirement and work after retirement

For retirement benefits to be processed the employer must send the Advanced Notification of Retirement form to the Pensions Office as soon as possible. USS and NHSPS require 3 months' notice to process retirement benefits. OSPS can process retirements in a shorter timescale but ideally would like at least one month's notice.

For University employees retiring from USS the employee and employer should complete form RET1(USS) (pdf) and send it to

For University employees retiring from other schemes the employer should send send form RET1(U) (pdf).

For OSPS members at colleges or other participating employers the employer should send form RET1 (pdf).

Support staff

There is no normal or fixed age at which support staff employed at the University have to retire. However, for the purposes of calculating certain benefits, for members who joined before 1 October 2017, the OSPS rules define normal retirement date as your 65th birthday for benefits built upon a final salary basis and for CARE benefits it is the later of age 65 and your State Pension Age (or your birthday which precedes it, if it does not fall on your birthday). Further details are available from HR Support website.

Academic-related staff at grades 6 to 10 and ALC6

From 18 October 2022, there is no normal or fixed age at which staff in posts at grades 6 to 10 and ALC6 have to retire. Staff at these grades may elect to retire in accordance with the rules of the applicable pension scheme, as may be amended from time to time. See USS website for latest information on scheme retirement age. Further details are available from the HR Support website.

Academic staff and academic-related employees at grade RSIV and equivalents (E62 and E82)

For all academic staff and academic-related staff at grades RSIV, E62 and E82 the University has an Employer Justified Retirement Age (EJRA) of 30 September before the 69th birthday, rising to the 30 September before the 70th birthday with effect from 1 October 2023. Further details are available from the EJRA webpages.

If you work for the University and are unsure about your normal retirement date, please contact your local, departmental HR team who can confirm the date to you.

You may wish to stop work before your normal retirement date. Two such scenarios are considered below:


You may always resign form your work at any time. If you are over 55, you may apply to the Trustees of the scheme to receive your pension early. OSPS members who joined OSPS before 6 April 2006 can take their benefits from age 50, subject to certain conditions. For USS members who are made redundant, they can claim their benefits from age 50. If the Trustees agree, your pensions will be reduced to reflect the early payment.

Ill health

If your health deteriorates so that you become permanently unable to do your job, you may apply to the Trustees for an immediate ill health early retirement benefits. Please contact the Pensions Office for further information.

There are two aspects to preparing for retirement - making the transition from work life to retired life and making sure that the transition is as smooth as possible.

You can help to make the transition as smooth as possible by making sure that your departmental Administrator knows when you are retiring. It's a good idea to give your administrator as much notice as possible, so that they can formally notify the Payroll department and the Pensions Office in good time.

But don't wait for the Pensions Office to contact you. The Pensions Office can give you an estimate of your pension and retirement benefits to help you plan your future. It can also prepare the necessary paperwork to ensure the process works smoothly. USS members can get estimates using the modelling tools on the USS website.


If you are a University employee and wish to work after your retirement, you should seek advice from the Pensions office on the rules relating to your specific scheme. You can also speak to your Head of Finance and Administration or your local HR manager for further guidance.

If you work for a college you should ask them about their policy regarding reemployment of people who have retired from their service.

Please also see the Frequently Asked Questions below.

Working after ill health retirement

If you have retired on the grounds of ill health and subsequently your health improves so you are able to take up paid employment or self-employment before your normal retirement date, you must write immediately to the appropriate scheme giving full details of your new earnings. Your pension may be reduced or suspended, depending on the level of your earnings.

Failure to notify could lead to forfeiture of the pension.

If you have any queries, please see the Frequently Asked questions below or contact the Pensions Office.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section is intended to answer common questions regarding the implications of working after retirement for members of OSPS, USS and NHSPS. If you have a specific query please contact the Pensions Office.

As above, you should seek advice from the Pensions Office for guidance in relation to re-employment of retirees who have claimed pension benefits.

If you are a USS scheme member at the University you cannot retire and claim your full benefits if, at the time of your retirement, you intend to return or there is an agreement or understanding in place (whether orally or in writing) that you will return to employment with the University to a role in which you can build a USS pension. Please contact the People Department if you have any questions about this.

However, the University acknowledges that circumstances can change and you may wish to take up employment at a later date. Please contact the Pensions Office to discuss your circumstances and the regulations under your pension scheme and how they may affect your benefits.

You also need to be aware that pension scheme rules may determine whether or not you can be re-employed and how much you can earn in retirement (see ill health question below).

There are also rules imposed by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) on members who retire on age grounds between age 50 and 55 after 5 April 2010.

HMRC raised the minimum age for retirement to 55 for members retiring after 5 April 2010, but members who have service in OSPS or USS before 6 April 2006 can claim their benefits between age 50 and 55 under ‘protected pension age’ regulations. However, HMRC has imposed re-employment conditions on people who retire using their entitlement to a protected pension age. Such members cannot generally be re-employed by the same employer, or a related employer, for six months following retirement (or one month in a materially different role). See HMRC website for more details.

If you have concerns regarding taxation of your lump sum you should contact HMRC directly on 0300 200 3300, making sure you have a note of your National Insurance number to help identify you.

If you are a USS scheme member you cannot retire and claim your full benefits if, at the time of your retirement, you intend to return, or there is an agreement or understanding in place (whether orally or in writing) that you will return to employment with the University to a role in which you can build a USS pension. Please contact the People Department if you have any questions about this.

However, the University acknowledges that circumstances can change and you may wish to take up employment at a later date. Please contact the Pensions Office to discuss your circumstances and the regulations under your pension scheme and how they may affect your benefits.

USS and OSPS now offers a flexible retirement option in which you can retire from part of your post. This does not apply currently to members of the Investment Builder section of OSPS. Please contact the Pensions Office for further information.

If you are an NHSPS member and are being re-employed by the University then there are no restrictions. If you are employed in the NHS itself after retirement there are conditions. These are summarised in the Retirement Booklet available on the NHSPS website.

You may be able to access parts of your pension in certain circumstances. Please contact the Pensions Office for advice on how this works for your pension scheme.

OSPS rules do not allow this unless you are taking flexible retirement or reach age 75. You have to leave your current employment to claim your OSPS pension benefits. If you are re-employed by the same employer it must be under a new contract.

You may retire from all your joint appointments simultaneously and draw your benefits.

If you are a USS member you may take part of your USS pension under the flexible retirement rules. These rules require that you remain employed by at least one employer, and that you give up at least 20% of your original overall working commitment and reduce your aggregate salary by at minimum of 20%. You may draw between 20% and 80% of your total pension and lump sum.

If you are in receipt of an OSPS, USS or NHS pension you can join or rejoin USS or OSPS provided you meet the eligibility criteria.

If you retire from the defined benefit (CARE) section of OSPS then you cannot rejoin this section. You will have to join the new Investment Builder section.

Your gross pension payment will not alter if you have additional earnings. However, any additional earnings from employment may affect your tax position as both your pension and your new earnings are taxable income. All of your taxable income and any change in tax code will be notified to you by HMRC.

Your gross pension will not be adjusted because of your earnings unless you retired on the grounds of ill health (see below).

If you have retired on the grounds of ill health and subsequently your health improves so you are able to take up paid employment or self-employment before your normal retirement date, you must write immediately to the Pensions Office (for OSPS) or USS giving full details of your new earnings. Your pension may be reduced or suspended, depending on the level of your earnings. Failure to notify could lead to forfeiture of the pension.

Both OSPS and USS look closely at cases in which a member who has retired on the grounds of ill health and is re-employed by their old employer or a new employer in a very similar role. If the pension scheme thinks that you have recovered from your illness to the extent that you no longer qualify for ill health retirement under the rules your pension could be cancelled.

No, this is not advised as it is called pension recycling and gives rise to tax penalties. Please read the pages on the HMRC website for further details. You should take independent financial advice if you are considering doing this.

Contact Us

 : Pensions Office
       University of Oxford

       c/o Oxford University Press
       Great Clarendon Street
       Oxford OX2 6DP

 : OSPS -
       USS -
       NHSPS -
       NEST -
       Auto-enrolment -
 : General - (01865) 616133
       USS - (01865) 616067
       OSPS - (01865) 616020