Maintaining a register

  • A key role of the head of administration is planning how to allocate responsibilities and delegate authority across the department. It is useful to maintain a register of delegations so that it is clear how responsibilities are managed, and to simplify
    making updates.

A register can be maintained in different ways. For example, you may simply retain copies of the individual forms and signature sheets. However, compiling an overview is recommended, and the attached delegation of authority register template is available for departments to maintain their register of delegations.

Good practice in arranging delegations includes:

  • Ensuring that the responsibilities, limits and dates associated with the delegation are clear;
  • Making the delegation in writing;
  • Recording the delegate’s agreement, including confirmation that they understand their responsibilities.

Registers should be reviewed regularly (at least annually) and updated in a timely manner when staff changes take place.


Delegation of authority register template


Arranging delegations of authority