Guidance to follow in order to minimise the risk of fraudulent transactions
Don’t give your card number to anyone on the phone unless you’ve made the call to a company you know to be reputable. If you’ve never done business with the company before, do an online search first for reviews or complaints.
Never send your card number over email.
Carry your cards separately from your wallet. It can minimise your losses if someone steals your wallet or purse. Carry only the card you need for that outing.
Don’t keep a record of your PIN with, or close to, the card. Preferably the PIN should not be written down.
During a transaction, keep your eye on the card – don’t allow the person taking the payment to go off with it, and never do anything like leaving a card behind the bar for ‘security’ against a tab.
Never sign a blank receipt. Draw a line through any blank spaces above the total.
Save all receipts to compare with your statement.
Open your statements promptly, or check online frequently.
Report any questionable charges to the card issuer and report lost or stolen cards as soon as you realise.