University of Oxford Pensioners' Welfare Officer (01865) 616203
Age UK Oxfordshire 0345 450 1276
Services include:
Homeshare Oxford 01865 410 670
Community activities and services information 01235 849434
Home support options 0333 577 1044
Phone friends 01295 234850
Late Spring (for the bereaved) 01235 849 434
Generation games (exercise and well-being) 01235 849 403
Dementia Oxfordshire 01865 410210
Tech Buddy 07584 184507
Alzheimers Society National helpline 0333 150 3456
Citizens Advice Bureau
Abingdon 0808 278 7909
Banbury 0808 278 7906
Bicester 0808 278 7906
Didcot 0808 278 7909
Oxford (St Aldates) 0808 278 7909
Thame 0808 278 7909
Witney 0808 278 7908
Independent Age 0800 319 6789
Royal British Legion 0808 802 8080
Attendance or Disability Living Allowance 0345 605 6055
Action Fraud 0300 123 2040