Projects (Non-Research)

The University's capital expenditure is managed within a rolling five-year Capital Plan. The Capital Plan is produced annually based on divisional priorities, and approved by the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee (PRAC). Termly updates are also presented to PRAC. The Capital Steering Group (CSG) is responsible for maintaining the Capital Plan as and when PRAC/Council grants funding approval for capital projects.

Some capital expenditure will involve one-off payments and some will be managed as projects where the expenditure is spread over a period of time. Capital projects are usually (but not always) investments in construction and computer systems.

The purchase (including leasing), construction and refurbishment of equipment ≥£100k is classed as capital equipment.

Listed below are the financial processes to help you correctly manage your capital expenditure.


Land and Buildings


New Build and Refurbishments

Financial Management of Building Projects

Purchase (including leasing) of Land and Buildings for University or investment purposes

Purchase to Pay

Capital Equipment


Research award related

Managing Research Awards & Projects


Capital Equipment

Development of ICT systems

Capital Equipment

Other (departmental) projects

Other non-research/building/equipment activity may also benefit from being managed as a project. This is particularly relevant in any of the following situations:

  • Where detailed expenditure control, reporting and financial analysis is required
  • For activity that will cover more than one financial year
  • If more than one department is involved

This applies to projects whether externally funded or departmentally funded. Managing Departmental Projects provides full details.

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 : Financial Reporting Team
       University of Oxford
       23-38 Hythe Bridge Street
       OX1 2ET