Detail Trusts - Actuals Only (Archive)

Please use the "Inc & Exp Donations SOF" for reporting on donations

Why run this report?

  • To provide detail by Natural Account and cost centre for any specific Source of Funds code for Actual Year-to-date. Use the segment override.

  • For an overview of all income and expenditure for the specified source of funds by natural account and cost centre at a glance.
  • It is very useful for monitoring trust fund usage.

How to run this report

Report Parameters:

When running these reports, always use your departmental General Ledger responsibility and enter one of the following:

  • Content Set – this will give you an Excel worksheet per level selected, e.g. cost centre or cost centre parent.
  • Segment Override – this will return a single worksheet covering the segment you requested, e.g. a single cost centre, assuming that it does not compromise your security access.

Take care when printing the PDF outputs to ensure that you use the “Shrink Oversized Pages” option.

gl fsg 4







Which outputs does this report have?

•    Excel - a simple list of data that can be filtered but has no totals.  
•    PDF - a printable and emailable format that cannot be edited. 

Which roles have access to this report?

Everyone with access to the GL module can access FSG reports.

Contact Us

 : Financial Systems
       Finance Division
       University of Oxford
       23-38 Hythe Bridge Street
       OX1 2ET

 Raise a support call
 : 01865 (2) 84800
 : Contact Financial Systems    

 : Opening hours:
       8.00am - 5.00pm
       Monday - Friday (except Bank
       Holidays, Easter and