Card Payment Process

The way that we transmit, process, and store card data must be in line with the PCI DSS.
This process will vary depending on whether or not the customer is present at the time of making the sale/placing the order, and whether your department has its own card terminal. 

In all cases, the University’s Cardholder Data Security Rules and Processes must be followed.

  1. Departments with no card terminal: The customer should be advised to use the University Online Store wherever possible. To find out more about obtaining a departmental card terminal, see Taking Card Payments.
  2. Departments with a card terminal – process transactions in accordance with the user guide provided with the terminal.
  3. Departments with an ecommerce facility – should also follow the process below, but only in respect of compiling a Card Receipts Form if applicable, and reconciling receipt records.

Issue receipt

If you do not have a till, ensure that a receipt is provided to the customer, i.e. as issued from the card terminal.

Record receipt

Again, if you do not have a till system, ensure that an appropriate record of the transaction is kept.

Reconcile daily transactions

Ensure that the end of day process is followed for the terminal. Typically, this will involve doing a ‘Z’ report, and checking that the transaction totals agree with your records. The card terminal should then be logged off overnight.

Compile receipts form for Cashiers

If required, a Card Receipts Form must be generated and passed to the Cashiers to input into Oracle Financials.

Cashier reconciliation

Cashiers will check the daily bank statements to ensure that the expected amount, as shown on the input form, is received. Once confirmed, the transactions will be input into Oracle Financials. Any discrepancies will be raised with the department, who will be required to investigate the issue and advise the Cashiers accordingly.

Receipts sample check by departments

It is the responsibility of the department to regularly check the receipts on Oracle Financials against the transaction paperwork. Any discrepancies should be raised with the Cashiers.

Store paperwork securely

All card terminal paperwork must be stored in a secure way.

principle wheel

Contact Us

 : Cash & Banking Team

       Income Office
       Finance Division
       C/O Oxford University Press
       Great Clarendon Street
       Oxford OX2 6DP


For sanctions queries only: 

 : Head of Income -
       01865 (6) 16000
 : For further information please
       visit our contact page