UO Requisition Details report

Why run this report?

To view purchase requisition details.


When should you run this report?

This report is recommended for your month/year end preparation and closure.


How to run this report

Select the following parameters:


uo open requisition details

Which outputs does this report have?



  • Excel - a simple list of data that can be filtered but has no totals.
  • Excel Pivot - designed to make analysis of the data easier, the default layout can be changed once the report has opened in Excel from this output.


Which roles have access to this report?



  • All Reports (Purchasing)
  • UO Buyer Work Centre Reports

Hints and tips

This report is useful as a verification or audit report.

Call to action

Use this WYSIWYG to display the login button for a system, or a button to register for an event.


Contact us

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