University of Oxford Staff Pension Scheme (OSPS)
Welcome to the home page of OSPS, the pension scheme for support staff at the University, participating colleges and other related employers
Members who joined the scheme before 1 October 2017 have benefits in the Defined Benefit section. Newer members join the investment-based section of the scheme called Investment Builder, which is largely administered by Legal and General.
OSPS is a valuable scheme which provides income when you retire, plus sickness and life assurance benefits.
Please refer to the below links for more detailed information.
Defined Benefit section
Forms for members
Forms for employers
Opting out
Past members
Guide for Employers
Special Terms
The Trustee and the Pensions Office would appreciate any feedback or views on the Scheme, its administration and on information provided to members. Comments on the usefulness of this site would also be welcomed. Please email if you have any feedback.

Other useful links
- Investment Builder (Legal and General)
- Flexible Retirement (Personnel)
- Salary Exchange (Payroll)
- University Pensions Policy
- Pensions Advisory Service
- Pensions Regulator
Contact Us
c/o Oxford University Press
Great Clarendon Street
Oxford OX2 6DP
: OSPS -
: (01865) 616020