In addition to the ongoing requirement to enrol eligible employees and others, there is a three year re-enrolment duty. This is in essence similar to the process that was followed in 2016. If an individual is not a member of a pension scheme and opted-out of a pension scheme before July 2018, they will be re-assessed in June 2019 and if eligible re-enrolled. Should individuals wish to opt out they may do so after 1 June 2019.
A reminder email will be sent to those identified as eligible for re-enrolment in May and if re-enrolled they will be sent an email notification in early June. For employees to opt out of USS in June 2019 a completed opt out form must be received after 1 June and before 17 June. It is possible to opt out of USS in the first three months and receive a refund of contributions from the scheme. The USS opt out form can be found on the USS website.
OSPS members in the Investment Builder (Defined Contribution, DC) section can only opt out from the start through the Legal and General website using the enrolment code on their starter letter or by telephoning 0345 026 8982. If they have missed the deadline you can withdraw from the scheme using form OPT2DC but they will not get a refund.