Cash & Banking Cash & Banking Cash and cheques are accepted as forms of payment. Key controls are needed when accepting Cash. READ MORE
Card Payments Card Payments Credit and debit card payments are accepted as payment for goods and services. Key controls are needed when accepting card payments. READ MORE
Online Payments Online Payments Online payment systems are widely used across the University to accept payment for goods, services and events. Cvent and the Online Store are available for use by departments. READ MORE
Accepting Bank Transfers Accepting Bank Transfers The University accepts bank transfers in payment for goods and services. READ MORE
Donations & Royalties Donations & Royalties Information regarding how the University handles donations and royalties. READ MORE
Credit Control Credit Control Supports the University with sales processes and is responsible for debt management and setting up new customers. READ MORE
Money Laundering & Sanctions Money Laundering & Sanctions All departments accepting payments need to be aware of money laundering and sanctions, and the risks involved in accepting payments. READ MORE
Tax & VAT Tax & VAT Information and Guidance on common aspects of VAT and taxation within the University. READ MORE